Telephone: 021 569 7107 [email protected]

Brand development

Offering branding solutions to a variety fo client needs

Services provided

Branding strategy, brand development, logo design, brand guidelines, stationery

Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value.  Great team to work with!

Nicola Feuilherade

Marketing manager, The International Hotel School

Branding services

At The Ethical Agency, we specialise in providing branding solutions for our clients – helping you establish your brand essence and positioning, exploring your brand’s purpose and defining a strap-line and tone of voice. From this position we design a logo and associated stationary assets: email signature, business card and letterhead. In addition, we provide a brand guideline document detailing usage guidelines for the logo, fonts, imagery and colours.

We understand the power of branding in shaping perceptions, building trust, and driving success. Whether you’re a budding startup, a growing business, or an established enterprise, crafting a compelling brand story is essential in today’s competitive landscape.

We take a strategic approach to branding that goes beyond just creating a logo or tagline. We delve deep into understanding your business, your target audience, and your unique value proposition. Our team of experienced branding specialists works closely with you to develop a comprehensive branding strategy that aligns with your goals and resonates with your audience.

With years of experience working with clients across various industries, we have the expertise to deliver results-driven branding solutions. Our team of creative minds brings fresh ideas and innovative approaches to every project, ensuring your brand stands out in the crowd. We believe in the power of collaboration and work closely with our clients to understand their branding vision and goals, delivering tailor-made branding solutions that exceed expectations.

Let’s Build Your Brand Together…

Our Branding Services

  • Brand Strategy Development: We help define your brand’s purpose, values, and positioning in the market to create a strong foundation for your brand identity.
  • Brand Identity Design: From logo design to visual elements such as colour palettes, typography, and imagery, we craft a cohesive and memorable brand identity that sets you apart.
  • Brand Messaging: We develop compelling messaging that communicates your brand story effectively across all touchpoints, from your stationary to your website to social media channels.
  • Brand Guidelines: We create brand guidelines to ensure consistency in how your brand is presented, maintaining integrity and coherence across all platforms and materials.
  • Brand Implementation: Whether you’re launching a new brand or refreshing an existing one, we support you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and successful rollout.

Our Branding Portfolio

CASE STUDY is the South African Association for Alcohol Responsibility and Awareness. Under-age drinking is a major issue in South Africa and were launching a project to fight the issue. The original and long used no 18 circle icon was tired and needed a rethink. Working with, The Ethical Agency (TEA) developed a fresh new icon and statement that is mandated by law to appear on all alcohol advertising in South Africa.

Adverts not designed by TEA.



TEA was commissioned to help breathe some new life into GreenCapes’ existing and recognisable  brand to help better articulate the work that they do. TEA developed a creative concept which once approved, was rolled out through a variety of assets including  stationary (business cards, notebooks, folders etc.), pull up banners, social media banners and graphics, Microsoft templates, as well as an updated and comprehensive brand guideline document.



The Ethical Agency (TEA) was tasked with producing a consistent brand language for the array of special projects produced by the Mail & Guardian. The concept includes a unique brand colour for each project as well as a holding device and related icon. In addition TEA also produced each project which included a printed supplement, website and social media campaign.



The Ethical Agency (TEA) was tasked with producing a brand concept for an international private wealth investment business based in London. The company was looking for a classic and sophisticated tone that would attract and speak to high net weatlh individuals.



The Ethical Agency was approached in 2022 to help with a rebrand the National Business Initiative of South Africa – The National Business Initiative (NBI) is a voluntary coalition of South African and multinational companies, working towards sustainable growth and development in South Africa and the shaping of a sustainable future through responsible business action, thereby demonstrating business action for sustainable growth. 

What did we do? The approach required an evolution, and not a revolution. More symmetrically shaped “i”  which presents a more balanced articulation. This creates a new and very interesting shape that will be used in a range of marketing assets and designs. We removed the underline – it was superfluous to needs and wasn’t adding value. The new logo is cleaner, bolder and more confident.


NBI business card mockup
GCX business card graphic design


Urban Food Systems Coalition

TEA was commissioned to develop the branding, marketing assets and website for this United Natons sanctioned coalition.

UFSC logo
Urban Food Systems Coalition – branding and Instagram design



The Ethical Agency (TEA) was tasked with producing a new branding and logo concept for a South African climate change youth project called Climate Change Champs. The project includes climate clubs in schools across South Africa to encourage active citizenship around climate change and renewable energy, and prospetive careers and jobs in the green economy. TEA developed all branding (logo, stationary), posters, banners, infographics, reports  and website.



The Ethical Agency was approached in 2022 to help with a rebrand of GCX with a revised logo for their reestablished positioning within their market, and associated brand assets for their various pubic facing touch points.  The Ethical Agency are also GCX’s appointed digital marketing agency.

GCX business card graphic design
GCX-rebrand logo evolution



The Ethical Agency was approached in 2022 to help with a rebrand of a seaweed range of food products which led to helping devise the name for the brand, the design of the new logo as well as the design of their product packaging.

SeaTree Emporium logo
SeaTree Emporium packaging mockup



The Ethical Agency (TEA) was tasked with producing a brand concept for the Mail & Guardian’s entry into the world of podcasts.