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The Different Types of Logo Design Categories

by | Apr 9, 2024 | Brand development, Logo design tips

Developing a logo is not a one-size-fits-all project. They come in various forms, shapes and sizes, each serving a specific purpose and catering to different brand identities. So, understanding the different types of logo design categories is essential when selecting the most suitable style to represent a brand effectively.

The top 10 Logo design categories

Let’s delve into the diverse world of logo design categories:


A wordmark or logotype logo consists solely of the brand’s name, typically stylised using custom typography or a unique font. This style emphasises the brand’s name and relies on typography to convey its personality. Examples include Coca-Cola, Google, and Disney.


Lettermark logos consist of initials, acronyms, or abbreviations of a brand’s name. They compact the brand identity, making them ideal for companies with lengthy names or complex branding. Examples include IBM, HBO, and NASA.


Symbol or icon logos feature a visual symbol or graphic element representing the brand, often without any accompanying text. These logos are highly versatile and instantly recognisable, making them ideal for global brands. Examples include Apple, Nike, and Twitter.

Combination Mark

Combination marks integrate text and a symbol/icon into a cohesive design. This versatile style allows for brand recognition through visual and textual elements, making it suitable for various applications. Examples include Adidas, Burger King, and FedEx.


Emblem logos feature the brand’s name enclosed within a symbol or icon, creating a unified and cohesive design. This classic style is reminiscent of seals or crests and is often associated with tradition, authority, and heritage. Examples include Starbucks, Harley-Davidson, and BMW.

Abstract Mark

Abstract mark logos convey a brand’s identity using non-representational shapes, forms, or patterns. These logos use symbolism and abstraction to evoke emotions and associations, allowing for creative interpretation. Examples include Pepsi, Airbnb, and Shell.


Mascot logos feature an illustrated character or figure representing the brand’s identity and values. These friendly and personable logos often appeal to younger audiences and can add a sense of personality and warmth to a brand. Examples include KFC’s Colonel Sanders, Michelin’s Bibendum, and Pringles’ Mr. Pringle.


Badge or seal logos mimic the appearance of traditional badges or seals, incorporating intricate details, borders, and text within a circular or geometric shape. These logos convey a sense of authenticity, prestige, and craftsmanship. Examples include The North Face, National Geographic, and Levi’s.


Responsive or adaptable logos are designed to be flexible and dynamic, allowing for easy adaptation to different contexts, mediums, and platforms. These logos may feature modular elements or variations optimised for digital and print applications. Examples include Google’s dynamic logo and Mastercard’s flexible design system.


Dynamic or animated logos use motion graphics or animation to bring the brand identity to life. These engaging and interactive logos capture attention and create memorable brand experiences across digital platforms and screens. Examples include NBC’s peacock animation and Netflix’s iconic opening sequence.

In summary

Understanding the various logo design categories empowers brands to select the most appropriate style that aligns with their identity, values, and communication objectives. Whether it’s a minimalist wordmark, a bold symbol, or a playful mascot, each logo category offers unique opportunities for creative expression and brand differentiation. By choosing the right logo design category, brands can effectively communicate their story, capture audience attention, and leave a lasting impression in the minds of consumers.

The Ethical Agency is a brand development expert specialising in high-quality logo design, brand strategy, stationary, and marketing assets that best articulate your brand message to the world.