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GreenCape Wins Organisation of The Year | 2023 Charge Awards

by | Nov 4, 2023 | Awards

The Ethical Agency is honored to have contributed to GreenCape’s success in winning this prestigious award at the Charge Awards (The world’s best sustainable energy brands), and the leading event for energy companies and forward-thinking marketing professionals who seek knowledge, inspiration, and the network to transform a commodity into a brand.

GreenCape won Organisation of the Year for the way they have leveraged their influence and reputation to effect invaluable positive change within their community over the past year.

The Ethical Agency has worked closely with GreenCape to develop, and design many of their branding projects, namely:

See the Award Submission, which TEA designed and produced for GreenCape, including a selection of TEA’s brand development work that helped GreenCape secure the win.

GreenCape RollUp Banners design


GreenCape’s vision is a thriving prosperous Africa mobilised by the green economy. In the next 5 years, GreenCape aims to be globally relevant in driving the uptake of green economy infrastructure solutions in the developing world context. They work at the interface between business, government and academia to identify and remove barriers to economically viable green economy infrastructure solutions in developing countries, thereby catalysing their replicable and large-scale uptake to enable each country and its citizens to prosper.

TEA are a long-time collaborator of GreenCape and have produced hundreds of design and marketing assets that help them engage with their audiences in meaningful ways. The Ethical Agency also designed and built GreenCape’s website.

TEA are brand specialists with services including:

  • Brand strategy
  • Brand development
  • CI and brand guidelines 
  • Logo development
  • Stationary including (email signatures, business cards, letterheads, presentations)

The Charge Awards and Events

Sustainable energy branding has become one of the hottest topics in business. As climate change and market liberalisation―the greatest environmental and economic challenges of our times―are prompting the world’s power companies to transform on a scale never seen before, the eyes of the world are firmly upon them. These compelling insights from industry leaders make this book a must-read for marketing and C-suite executives at energy companies who are seeking to communicate sustainable and renewable energy solutions effectively to make a difference. More info.