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Presidential Climate Commission – Annual Report 2023




Annual report design

Client website

> Presidential Climate Commission 
> View the full PDF Annual Report

I have worked with The Ethical Agency on several projects now and am blown away by their ability to reflect sustainability concerns in their designs and image selection. A great, deadline-driven team to work with.
Jennifer Stastny

Sustainable Development | Specialist researcher, writer and editor, Independent

Presidential Climate Commission – Annual Report 2023

As annual report design specialists, The Ethical Agency produces world-class publication reports in the high dozens each year for the World Bank, The Presidential Youth Employment Intervention, and now, we are happy to report, the Presidential Climate Commission.

We pride ourselves on our annual report design expertise and our ability to bring our client’s publication content to life in a cluttered and competitive digital landscape. When readers are not aware of the design of our publications, we have succeeded in doing our job well.

The Presidential Climate Commission is an independent, statutory, multistakeholder body established by President Cyril Ramaphosa. Their purpose is to oversee and facilitate a just and equitable transition towards a low-emissions and climate-resilient economy. In fulfilling this role, their focus is to:

  • Create a social partnership around a just transition
  • Define a vision for a just transition, and means of achieving that vision, covering the necessary sectoral shifts, technological innovation, employment opportunities, and climate finance
  • Conduct independent analysis into climate change impacts on jobs, the economy, and policy
  • Monitor progress towards mitigation and adaptation goals, as well as the achievement of a just transition linked to broader development objectives
  • Engage with a wide range of stakeholders, including all spheres of government, business, labour, academia, communities, and civil society.
Presidential Climate Commission Annual Report Design Cover White Mockup
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Presidential Climate Commission Annual Report Design Spread 3

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